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In order to share their know-how with not only their seasonal workers, but the whole winemaking world, De Wilde Wijngaard organic vineyard has adopted the Axele on-the-job SaaS solution developed by Axians Belgium.

De Wilde Wijngaard organic vineyard, located in the Dutch province of Flevoland, near Lelystad, northeast of Amsterdam, and about 7 metres below sea level, has been producing excellent white wines since 2016. The vineyard’s founder and author of this success is Johan Rippen who had been looking for a way to share his experience of organic viticulture, pass on his knowledge for the benefit of the whole winemaking community, and show that working organically and making great wine can go hand in hand.

He also wanted to pass on the knowledge applied at every stage of the winemaking process, from pruning and harvesting to the transformation into wine, to all the volunteers, students, and trainees from the Netherlands and beyond who come to work on the property.

His project took a decisive turn in October 2023, during a conversation about a solution called Axele on-the-job developed by Axians Belgium, part of the VINCI Energies ICT brand. As Jef De Clerck, Sales Engineer at Axians Belgium explains, “Axele stands for ‘Axians e-learning’ and ‘on-the-job’ indicates that this is not a conventional e-learning service, but one designed for interactive guidance during any field task.

 “To begin with, De Wilde Wijngaard wanted to record all their knowledge in a book,” he adds. “But they quickly realised that Axele on‑the-job would make it far easier to add new instructions at any time, and also allow them to include video content which is less time consuming and easier to understand.”

Simple and intuitive

As a SaaS (software-as-a-service) solution, Axele on-the-job can be accessed using a smartphone, tablet or PC depending on where and how it is being used. In due course, the solution will also be available as a progressive web app (offline).

“Axele stands for ‘Axians e-learning’ and ‘on-the-job’ indicates that this is a solution designed for interactive training and guidance during any field task.”

For De Wilde Wijngaard, Axele on-the-job allows them to provide detailed step-by-step instructions, including pictures and videos, for every stage of the winemaking process. Thanks to this digital guide, De Wilde Wijngaard has been able to further enhance its production process.

“The main challenge was overcoming the resistance to change that we often encounter in the face of new tools and processes,” says Jef De Clerck. “The person on the vineyard team responsible for creating the training content was initially reluctant to use the tool. But she quickly discovered how intuitive and simple it is to use.”

Axele on-the-job also allows easy knowledge sharing, making it possible to encourage others for a more sustainable approach to winemaking. This way, De Wilde Wijngaard can be a source of inspiration and education for the whole winemaking community.The tool also encourages knowledge sharing, making De Wilde Wijngaard a source of inspiration and education for the whole winemaking community.


Experimenting in all directions

Axians Belgium has been experimenting with Axele on‑the-job in numerous‑ sectors other than viticulture: manufacturing (operator training, equipment maintenance, etc.), plant hire (product manuals, replacing or clarifying FAQs, etc.), DIY (visual instructions) and healthcare. “By testing the tool in such varied real-world scenarios, we are finding out what works and what doesn’t – we’re constantly upgrading it,” says Jef De Clerck, Sales Engineer at Axians Belgium.

