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To support the highly energy-intensive everyday needs of modern societies requires networks capable of providing a constant supply of electricity to their infrastructure.  Adapting these networks is becoming a central issue in a context where the need to reduce CO2 emissions is transforming the energy mix required to support today’s lifestyles. It is therefore crucial to work on making the entire system more resilient to increasingly extreme climate events, while also supporting the rollout of renewable and local energy sources. 

What are the solutions to this problem? This was the question being answered by Nicolas Héritier (Senior Marketing & Development Manager, Omexom), Alexandre Barré (Assistant Coordinator of Nuclear and Thermal Assets, EDF), Fanny Sauvée (Co-founder, Orus Energy) and Edouard Dequeker (Chair Professor of Urban Economics, ESSEC) at a round table organised by Leonard* on 24 April 2024 as part of the Building Beyond festival. 

*Leonard is the VINCI Group’s future-oriented innovation platform. 


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