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In the field of energy transition, the French government has decided to put its money on “green” hydrogen to reduce CO2 emissions in the industrial and heavy transport sectors.

Barbara Pompili, Minister for the Ecological Transition and Bruno Lemaire, Economy Minister, took advantage of the back-to-work period to unveil the contours of the National Strategy for developing decarbonated hydrogen: €7 billion will be invested to develop profitable large-scale production of “green” hydrogen in France, of which €2 billion will be allocated in 2021-2022 as part of the government’s €100 billion recovery plan.

“Hydrogen is a strategic opportunity for massification and acceleration of decarbonisation in sectors and players where this is difficult, industry and transport in particular”, said Barbara Pompili. To this end, the government plans, in a first phase, to install the equivalent of 6.5 GW of hydrogen electrolysers by 2030, i.e. more than four times the installed power of the future Flamanville (Manche) new-generation nuclear plant. The second goal is to use this energy to power heavy transport modes such as dump and freight trucks, coaches, buses, trains, even ships and airplanes.


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